4 Incredible Fraud Investigation Interviews Tips
An investigation interview demands focus, planning, and patience. Many believe it’s all about gathering information and relevant evidence, but it’s also about interacting face-to-face with people involved in the investigation and asking the right questions from them. As conducting an interview is complex, it’s best to consider taking investigative interview training courses to learn the art of effective investigation truly. Here we have mentioned a few tips that help the interviewer get the most out of the interviewing procedure.
A plan allows you to create primary objectives and identify individual interview goals, which eventually helps you shape the investigation. You would need to gather all information, cross-check all facts, and comply with legal obligations. Besides, you also need to determine the merit of complaints, maintain confidentiality, and preserve the reputation of each person and company involved in the investigation.
An investigation is incomplete without some research and background checks. You might need to find out more about each individual who is a part of the investigation. As your communication should be clear and transparent, make sure you connect with the interviewee and let them know about the procedure before the interview begins.
Whatever evidence you have acquired during your research - including files, documents, and reports - be sure to bring them into the interview. With evidence material, it becomes easier to prepare questions and move along quickly during the interview. Besides, when you have evidential material, it gives an impression that you are all ready for the investigation with solid evidence.
While preparing a script of appropriate questions allows you to acquire as much information as possible in an interview, you must also listen carefully to their answers. Rather than asking straightforward questions, use phrases that ‘describe for me’ or ‘explain for me’ that encourage individuals to speak up without fear or hesitation. Besides asking questions like ‘what happened next’ or ‘what did you do then,’ use strategic silences that compel interviewees to keep going.
If you need more tips on effective fraud investigation interviews, consider enrolling yourself for an investigative interview techniques course right away.
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