
Showing posts from August, 2021

Who is a Professional Investigator and Your Guide to Becoming One

Have you always been fascinated by detective movies, and is Sherlock Holmes your biggest inspiration? If you think being a professional investigator is anywhere near what you see in the movies, you are terribly mistaken. These movies are nothing more than fiction, and reality is far from that. The key responsibility of a professional investigator is to perform undercover investigations, surveillance activities, documenting the results of investigations, and interviewing people. This is exactly what Sherlock Holmes did. But what separates these fictional characters from a professional investigators is that the latter is licensed to practice in the state in which they work. So having strong analytical skills and observational power cannot suffice if you want to pursue a career as a professional investigator. Where do Professional Investigators Work? The expertise of a skilled investigator is utilized in many areas, including computer forensics services, criminal investigation servi...